September 2017 Social Media Campaigns

Taco filters, banana solar eclipses, and pussy hats, oh my. Welcome, friends, to Attach Creative'due south Top 10 Near Influential Social Media Marketing Campaigns for 2017!

It's been one wild yr in the world of social media marketing campaigns. We saw marketing teams coming up with some of the most creative—and humorous—campaigns yet, some of which rival what nosotros saw in 2013's, 2015's and 2016'due south Top 10 Influential Social Media Marketing Campaign lists. In improver to these advertising feats of strength, you'll notice a continued focus to promote social causes on social media platforms. Some of these campaigns were truthful grass-root movements, while others were driven by companies.

But enough with the introduction. Let's jump straight into our 2017 well-nigh influential social media campaigns, starting with number one on our list, GE'south Balance the Equation campaign.

1. GE's Balance the Equation Campaign

Dorsum in February of this year, GE announced they would piece of work to fill up xx,000 new STEM roles with female hires past the year 2020. If successful, GE would be the largest tech visitor in America to claim a l:50 ratio of male-to-female employees working in technical entry-level positions.

It's a bold, ambitious goal. Simply it won't exist piece of cake. According to research out by the annual Women in Tech report, women concord at nearly 25% of all calculating jobs. And GE's ain research paints an even harsher film, with IT and engineering programs worldwide comprised of just 13%-24% women. To ensure they meet their objective, GE is pulling out all the stops with their marketing efforts. And one of their most creative campaigns to appointment is their Remainder the Equation entrada, featuring National Medal of Scientific discipline in Engineering winner, Millie Dresselhaus.

GE portrays Millie Dresselhaus as a superstar, with her face plastered on magazines and billboards. Millennials run up to her to accept selfies. She's got a line of dolls and even an emoji confront. Prissy!
I don't know about yous, but I'd much rather watch a reality Tv set evidence virtually Millie Dresselhaus than another season of the Kardashians. I think GE may be on to something…

While there is no data quite withal on how many women GE has hired, the campaign should withal be considered a success. Between GE'due south #BalanceTheEquation hashtag and its website, the company has secured thousands of retweets and comments, all while making inroads with younger girls who could ane 24-hour interval go the Stem experts of tomorrow.

two. Chiquita Assistant's Solar Eclipse

Timing is everything when it comes to influential marketing campaigns. I hateful…when the ability went out in the Superdome during Superbowl XLVII, and Oreo brought down the house with its unmarried well-timed dunk-in-the-night tweet? I cry every fourth dimension I see information technology. It was my screen saver for, like, years.
This yr, it was Chiquita that took advantage of the dark, only this time it was due to the much anticipated solar eclipse which fabricated its way across the U.South. on August 21st of this year.

"On the path of totality, you volition see ii distinct banana suns. The total eclipse occurs in between the two banana suns as a sort of lackluster intermission."

In a moment of marketing brilliance, which was most too brilliant to stare at directly, Chiquita took full credit for the 2017 solar eclipse, dubbing the sun's crescent shape the Assistant Sun. For three weeks, starting on Baronial 7th, the company went directly upwards bananas, creating gifs, a website, and a massive glowing assistant which they unveiled on Baronial 20th virtually the Flatiron Building in NYC.

Thanks to the Banana Sunday, Chiquita managed to garner thousands of new Twitter followers, hundreds of comments on its Banana Sunday GIFs, and tens of thousands of retweets. At least ii of the visitor's solar eclipse videos were viewed over a 1000000 times.

What tin I say? We've come up a long way from corporate dictatorships run by banana companies my friends. This is what I telephone call progress.

three. J.J. Watt'southward Hurricane Harvey Relief

Hurricane Harvey was the costliest Atlantic hurricane to ever hit the United states, with amercement estimated at virtually $200 billion dollars. Many homes were unsalvageable, forcing millions of American families onto the streets.  But in the peak of the crisis, some individuals and organizations rallied behind Harvey's victims, in what has become one of the strongest showings of charity fundraising in American history. Embed from Getty Images

Enter J.J. Watt, defence force star for the Texans. Watt set his own Houston Flood Relief Fund on his personal website, and so took to social media to denote the effort. The results were firsthand. His original goal of $200,000 was blown apart every bit millions of donations poured in thanks to the efforts of social heavy hitters similar Jimmy Fallon and Ellen DeGeneres, along with others such as hip-hop star Drake and Tennessee Titans possessor, Amy Adams Strunk.

At that place are not enough words to give thanks y'all all for your generosity. If there is ane thing I have taken away from these last few weeks, it is the reassurance of how much proficient is out in that location in our globe." –J.J. Watt

In total, some $37 million was donated in just three weeks! It but goes to that social can be a force for expert, and not but for selfies, lolcats, and well-timed salt bae memes.

four. Astros' Earn It

1920x1080_earnit.jpgCan the promotion of a new slogan lead a major league baseball squad to victory? Even one which has not once clutched a World Series in the 112 years of the league'due south beingness? As unlikely as that sounds, it may have played a office in the Houston Astros stunning and triumphant 4-3 win over the L.A. Dodgers in 2017's World Series finals.

"Earn It" kickoff appeared in off-season, earlier the squad had even set foot on a jump preparation field. It galvanized the team's supporters, who took to social media to promote the pithy and ambitious new mantra. And who tin blame them for being excited? If your last slogan was Root! Root! Root!, you tin can just become improve from there.

And get better they did. Equally the season progressed, the number of Google searches for the Astros continued to skyrocket.

Earn It is 1 of those divinely inspired slogans that hits you harder than a Chapman fast ball. Non since Just Exercise It has a mantra worked so effectively to command attention…and maybe win a team a Earth Series.

5. KFC'south eleven Herbs and Spices

full-width-kfc-portrait-2017-1117x660.jpgI was then depressed over Norm MacDonald's go out as the KFC colonel, I couldn't eat fried craven for months. Months. Just then the visitor goes and creates one of the best social stunts of 2017?

Permit'southward just say I see a drumstick in my almost future.

In September of this year—unbeknownst to fried chicken lovers everywhere—KFC's creative shop, Weiden+Kennedy, started post-obit 11 people on Twitter: the five original Spice Girls, and six dudes named Herb. Now, that isn't exactly noteworthy by itself. But when you connect the dots to KFCs clandestine recipe of xi herbs and spices, you all of a sudden run across where KFCs marketing team was going with this.

It took almost a month, merely one Twitter sleuth finally figured it out:

Mike Edgette, a social media managing director for TallGrass Public Relations, had without knowing it struck twitter gilt. His single comment generated hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets, creating an explosion of action for KFCs twitter feed. KFC, capitalizing fifty-fifty more on the publicity, painted Edgette a portrait of him riding on Colonel Sander's dorsum with a chicken drumstick in his paw. Which he again shared for tens of thousands more views and retweets!

This is where some patience, and maybe a piffling luck, can get a long way toward creating a viral social motion. "We planted this on Twitter over a month agone," said Freddie Powell, creative director at Wieden+Kennedy. "Bluntly, we weren't sure if anybody was going to find it. Sometimes you only accept to put stuff out into the universe and cantankerous your fingers that the internet volition work its magic."

6. Spotify's New Yr's Resolution Entrada


It's that time of the twelvemonth again. Everybody is dusting off their gym memberships and smoking their "terminal" pack of cigarettes before the New Year. And much like last yr and the twelvemonth before, companies will create marketing campaigns effectually this New Twelvemonth'due south theme.

But very few of them will come shut to making those resolutions every bit enjoyable as Spotify.

For a few years running, the company has departed from its digital roots to accept to the streets with a creative stop-of-yr OOH marketing campaign. The entrada shares some of the company'south most humorous user data, which it then turns into side by side year's resolutions. And this twelvemonth'south "It's Been Weird" theme will exist larger than always, encompassing xiv markets around the earth, and requiring the help of lxx+ artists to create over 100 billboards assets.
According to Spotify CMO Seth Farbman, the visitor is better served with an end-of-year campaign featuring billboards than, say, banner ads. "We are using out-of-home in a style that is less traditional," he said. "Out-of-home gives that hyperlocality that gives those "aha" moments to people. And it allows a digital community to feel connected in a physical fashion. This is happening hither. Nosotros're all seeing this and remembering this moment together."

This twelvemonth'south entrada will characteristic artists like Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Niall Horan, and Big Shaq, and will run both here in the States and beyond the pond in the UK.

seven. #WomensMarch


Hope you lot've all got your pussy hats on paw. Because #vii on our listing of summit 10 influential social media events for 2017 is the women's march, a protest movement that exploded onto the scene thank you to viral social media hype.

In early on 2017, a number of Facebook pages protesting the inauguration of President Donald Trump began to receive wide attending. As the pages increased from a few hundred to tens of thousands of followers, it became credible to many that consolidation, and and then mobilization, was an absolute must.

Leaders of the motion focused their attention on a march on Washington D.C., and used the twitter hash #womensmarch to spread the word. Inside days, the grass-roots movement had exploded to hundreds of thousands of followers. Not simply did it atomic number 82 to a march of nearly one-half a million people in D.C., it created dozens of sis protests around the country.

viii. Kellogg's Eggo Campaign

The cult hit Stranger Things released a brand new 2d flavour just a few months back, and information technology has everything an obsessed fan could want. The whole gang back together? Check. Synthesizers? Check.  Samwise Gamgee? Bank check. Eggos? Check.

Ah yes, Eleven's favorite snack makes more appearances than e'er in Flavor 2. And the marketing squad over at Kellogg's—to their credit—took advantage of the gratuitous plug, past creating a fresh, buttery new campaign called "Eggos" to capitalize on all the succulent publicity.

Kellogg's began talks with Netflix before the ambulation of the 2d season. The issue of the partnership was a small series of advertisements which appeared during the premier of Stranger Things two.  Best of all, Kellogg'south social team was gear up to capitalize on the hype. Armed with humorous GIFs, the #StrangerThings hashtag, and more images of Eleven scarfing downwards the iconic eighty'due south waffle than they knew what to do with, the social squad managed to come up with some weapon's course tweeting that earned them thousands of new online followers.

nine. Local Businesses Everywhere Nailing It with Social Media

Unconventional, I know. Number nine on our listing kinda reminds me of how back in 2006 Time Magazine fabricated "You" their Person of The Year. A niggling vague, sure. I nonetheless tell people I was on the embrace of Time magazine. Nobody ever believes me.


Only that'south non the only reason I'm dredging upwards that onetime Time mag from 10 years agone. "You" is a reference to how everybody was becoming somebody on social media. And small businesses especially have come a long way toward mastering social media from a decade ago.

This yr, local businesses have taken on social media like never before, many times outshining even the cleverest 5th Artery ad agencies with some of the stuff they come up with. Goliath companies which can spend big sums on massive advert buys and sleek commercials do non have the aforementioned leverage when it comes to social media, which is more than near authenticity and consistent messaging.

Even more than of import, social media is about getting a message out quickly to customers interested in your business. Smaller companies are often significantly more than agile than their larger counterparts, which gives them the advantage when it comes to fighting off negative reviews or, delivering incredibly proficient news, similar how you were on the cover of Fourth dimension magazine.

Why accept so many local businesses turned to Facebook and the like for their local ad? Considering of the cost, the simplicity, and the incredible targeting capabilities of course! We are seeing many of our local business organization clients find double, triple, the ROI from Facebook advertising in 2017. Now go get some of that!

x. Cisco's Cisco Champions

Cisco-Champions-Banner-V2.jpg .jpg

The networking and technology conglomerate Cisco Systems makes it onto our listing this year, and for skillful reason. The company's apply of influencer marketing to drive sales is paying off in a big style in 2017. And at the forefront of this endeavor is their Cisco Champions Plan, a marketing entrada which offers incentives for its community of IT advocates and experts.

By giving back to the people who run its technology and networking platforms on a daily basis, Cisco can utilise the experience and advocacy of these individuals to harness powerful promotional content for its make. The company provides free pedagogy, admission to new products, recognition to engineers and more. All they ask in return is for these Cisco Champions to share their stories and experiences with Cisco Systems over social media.

The results have been incredible. To date, Cisco Champions has generated tens of thousands of new tweets and thousands of social media mentions across platforms such as Facebook and elsewhere.

And that's a wrap for 2017's Top x Influential Social Media Marketing Campaigns. If ane of these campaigns stuck out to you, don't hesitate to let us know! And keep an centre out for side by side year'southward Top ten Most Influential list, which is sure to be as colorful—or even more and so—than this twelvemonth'due south!

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Check out our picks for the top marketing campaigns in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019.

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