How to Develop A Social Media Strategy for Your Food or Beverage Make


When it comes to social media for your food or beverage brand, do not throw spaghetti at the walls! Information technology's of import that your social media is consistent and cohesive. This is fifty-fifty more than so important for platforms similar Instagram, every bit your grid is well-nigh like a portfolio that can either attract your new followers, or not. And so the expect of your grid is pretty important if you're looking to gain new followers.

Having a social media strategy in identify volition give you lot clarity virtually what to post about. But simply how exercise you go about developing one in the first place? Here are three easy steps I similar to follow when developing a social media marketing / social media content strategy for a new food and beverage client.

How to Develop A Social Media Strategy for Your Food or Beverage Brand, in 3 easy steps

Step 1: Determine which platforms you desire to be on + how often

This is pretty obvious! As y'all know, you tin exist on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and at present TikTok. There are many platforms to be on, and you'll need to narrow down and choose the ones that are most important for your brand and how many times per week y'all'd like to mail. For food and potable brands, I really recommend Instagram equally it'south such a visual and pop platform. Facebook is nevertheless the near unremarkably used social media platform, and so of course don't forget near that one. Whether or not y'all're on Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, or TikTok will depend on one) whether y'all already take a following there and 2) who y'all are looking to attain, in which locations, etc. 3) whether you lot have the resources to brand video or hire someone else to practise it for you lot (for YouTube/TikTok).

Step 2: Create Posting Themes


This stride allows you to focus and narrow down on what you want to post most …. if you run a very small nutrient and beverage brand, yous may have been using your personal Instagram account like you would a personal one. It may be filled with photos of your family, quotes you like, your favourite family vacay pics and your dog or true cat. This can be disruptive for your followers, and information technology also doesn't do a whole lot to help sell your products. By creating nearly five-half dozen posting themes to mail service about, you volition be able to quickly decide whether or not a certain photo "passes the test", so to speak. Hither is an example of five posting themes for a food or beverage brand:

  1. Product content - photographs of your food or beverage products

  2. Recipes that can be made using your product (i.east. smoothie bowls if yous're a cereal company, or cocktails if you're a gin visitor)

  3. Testimonials - positive reviews from your customers

  4. Locations - posts that tell your customers where your products are available

  5. Community-based content - i.due east. posts like quote templates, scenery, or humour posts that resonate with your audience. For example, if you're a health food brand, posts about good for you living, yoga, eating well could resonate well with your audition. The idea here is to create content that your audience finds inspiring, entertaining, humorous, etc…

Step 3: Plan Out Your Social Media Content

Plan out content based on the posting themes yous cull in Step ii! There are no rules here, and this volition really depend on your brand and what resources you have available. Maybe you have a lot of cute product photography … then you'll want to have the majority of your social media content exist production focused. Perhaps you take a ton of reviews, so you can share them weekly. Maybe your product is bachelor in a lot of locations, or will be soon, so you tin can do more posts about that. What's important hither is that your posts are consistent, high-quality and resonating with your audition.

To practise this, I personally similar to use a scheduling tool like Later or Planoly … what I similar about this is that I can programme my posts out in accelerate, and likewise meet how my Instagram filigree is going to look. Often times I employ the same image across platforms (except for Pinterest, as their dimensions are totally different), and simply change the re-create to arrange. I often do Instagram and Facebook posts manually / on the become, but these images tin be prepared in advance.

Later lets you plan and visually see your upcoming content.

Later lets you plan and visually see your upcoming content.

Something else to keep in mind is that your social media strategy should align with your visitor's overall goals. Your social media tin help you maintain or increase sales and increment brand awareness. Information technology tin can be a super of import marketing tool today! Almost people like to have the strategy in written format detailing platforms, # of posts per calendar week, posting themes, fundamental hashtags, etc. This can modify equally your company evolves.

I'd love to hear from you lot if y'all institute this post helpful …. or about other social media questions you may have. I also have a gratis video guide coming out shortly all near social media marketing for food brands, you can sign up here, and more blog posts about social media marketing here.

To your food & beverage success 🥂

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